Friday, November 2, 2012

A Day at the Beach

Well, today is November 2, day two of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month): Thirty posts in thirty days.

And I'm in Florida for our daughter's wedding. Not at home with lots of time to concentrate on blogging. No, I'm here being forced to sit on the beach and go to dinner and show up at a beach wedding at sunset. Sigh.

So instead of writing a lot, today I'll share pictures of my day.

Our granddaughter, The Model

She loves to run. Grandpa Hillbilly tried to keep up with her. He may never be the same.

She didn't "lose" her tooth, she knocked it out. We're waiting for her baby teeth to start falling out.
The Model's mama is the bride-to-be.
Families are more complicated than they used to be. Here are the bride and groom with her daughter, his dad and stepmom, her mom and stepdad, and her dad and stepmom (that would be me). The mother of the groom isn't in this because she was taking the picture.

Here's where we're staying, and I've always been a rule-follower.
So that's what day two of NaBloPoMo looked like for me. The wedding is tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

Leave a comment telling me how adorable my granddaughter is. (Too pushy? Sorry.)


  1. Even before I read the last sentence, I was planning to leave a comment about how gorgeous that little girl is!

    1. Aww, thanks. She's just as sweet and funny as she is pretty!

  2. No need to be pushy cause she is gorgeous

  3. You're in Florida on a beach...pfft. Whatevs! :-)

    1. Hey! This is totally I forced vacation. At least that's what I told my boss.

    2. That should be "a" forced vacation.

  4. What a beautiful family! Your granddaughter is adorable and the beach looks gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! The beach really is incredible. I'm from California and I've never felt such soft sand.

  5. Your granddaughter is adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


PLEASE leave a comment. I LIVE for comments! If you must be negative, at least be nice. I'm very sensitive. I reserve the right to remove any comment that hurts my feelings. Or anyone else's feelings. Grandma wants you all to play nice.